
Episode 4.: The power of a community - Young European Federation of Immunological Societies (yEFIS)

Nora Balzer Season 1 Episode 3

Listen to our special episode with our European partner society, the yEFIS.
Here, we discuss the power of a community on the national and European level to support young immunologists on their path. My guests are Rami Bechara (@ramibechara), Santiago Costas, and Anne Hahn (@kuriosera) the power-engine behind yEFIS and the collaboration with EJI, the European Journal of Immunology.

Listen to our podcast and take advantage of an international community of young immunologists.
Contact them via:
yEFIS email:

 yEFIS website registration:

 yEFIS twitter: y_efis

 yEFIS LinkedIn: y-efis

 Twitter handle: @EurJImmunol

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The Podcast is hosted by Nóra Balzer -

The podcast is supported by the German Association of Immunology (DGfI) - Young Immunologists (YI)

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The Podcast is hosted by Nóra Balzer -

The podcast is supported by the German Association of Immunology (DGfI) - Young Immunologists (YI)

Become a member today! -->


Welcome everyone to the Young Immunologist Podcast, a podcast from the German Association for Immunology, My main motivation for university studies was to meet the group of people who share the same interest and engagement in biomedical sciences, belonging to a group that burns for science, that burns for immunology, And today we chat with the young European Federation of immunological societies. A huge group of early carrier scientists Shares their engagement in immunology, Hello welcome everyone at the DGFI young Immunology podcast, Um Rami. You are the speaker of the yEFIS. Would you introduce yourself your role and your relation to Immunology?


Hi, Nora and DGFI so happy to be here today to to discuss a bit about my yEFIS. So I'm Ramy. I'm assistant professor in Paris University. A clear and so, before being an assistant professor, I was P. T and friends, and I went for a post dog in the Us. in Pittsburgh, and then S. recruited back one year ago here in France, and as you mentioned, it was very lovely to meet all the young motivated monologist, Nd. being part of this network is really great, and I think this is something that pushed me to go back to friends. And yes, so I'm very excited.


Yeah, thank you, and we also have a San Diego with us or Santi, and you are the past spoke person. Please give us a piece of you. Who are you?


Yeah, I thank and thank you for inviting me. I'm really excited to to be here. Yeah, I was the first Pocus person




that together with a team we, we created this young Ice network and I was there for two years, and at a time when I got involved in young, and also the young Emirs in the




F. I was doing my Ph. D. in trusting




my focus was one in the fern. I was there working for four years, and after my Ph




D, then I moved to mines, where I'm located, now working in a company called Byonteck. Guess some of you


















about it. Yes,




but I'm working in very different. I moved after the P. I got a bit tired of the research and then I moved to the Q. A department, where I'm there now and yeah, I'm happy to be there. Also still related to research, But somehow away from the lap. And yeah, I




said there was two




years in Young fist and with the initial team we created this accusation. I was really exciting. time for me. I remerreally nicely, and where everything was growing




and everything popping up, And yeah, glad to be here.


Yeah, very nice, thank you very much. What are the main task of Wioffice as a spoke person? What is the beauty and what are the challenges of it?


So Santi do you want to comment or should I do it?


I think maybe you can start because as as I said, I was in the in this initiation face and I think my, that's where a bit different, So maybe you can start from me. Explain the trust that you have as spoken person. Maybe I can just had a bit of




on top of this first face, which was also interesting.


Okay, so I think that everything like difficult was established already by Santi The time when and I took over the spokes person position. It has been two years ago. So By what, based on election from the members and mainly what we do is co ordinating the different working groups that happened during over the years, so mainly what we do is to follow on the tasks was what we say, Working group coordinator, and we are. We are so happy to have With us because she has been co ordinating different tasks for why, F, S, plus connecting them with our big society. So it's mainly the connection between Whyfsfs and between the different working groups of


Yeah, pretty much as Amy said, I was doing basically the same, but just establishing or what Ram said, like we had to the initial team and that I was how guide in we had to establish this first connection, as Ram said with, With Fiswitheuropean Federation of Femaricasad is Nd how this relation was going to be, And we also had to establish the organization of young Fice itself. Like how these groups were working on, Also The relation of young Effie with the local association, in this case, for example with the young Emile in the F. How




they relate an association in the different countries of Europe. How they all these associations relate to young Effie in a way so they don't like. everyone still becomes relevant like young epics, like oungficeis, relevant in the European level, while the local associations, they also remain relevant and he young, doesn't




takes up All the space and all the the news. If you want to call it like this, So that was one of the talents that we had in the beginning really to to keep this








like the local associations, remain interesting and important relevant at the same time as keeping young Oficalife, making it grow


Yeah, very interesting, and you already mentioned one. So we also welcome on to our podcast. Who is the curancordinator of the European journal of Emunologyvigi, Thanks for joining When you please introduce yourself.


Yeah, sure,


Yeah, sure


first, thank you so much for inviting me. I'm also very excited to be able to speak here together with Santi and Amy, who I both enjoyed working with tremendous Ly. I first met Rami Santi when I join the board of the German Why, I, and then I was mainly working on the communication side of things, so for example, I initiated the Twitter account for the Why I, and that's why I also became the part of the communications team of Why efforts when All started in twenty twenty, and now, as you said, I'm leading the Ti working group, which is basically a la on position between the Firs and the editorial office.


Okay, So can you also share some thoughts on the G. I? So the Europian General emonology, What is it? How it's working?


Um. So basically the g i, together with Immunology Letters, is the official journal of F, and it's editorial board consists of scientists across Europe, and we feel like the g i U, S, very committed to the next generation of immunologists, and they are always very supportive and open about our ideas, So it's been a very fruitful collaboration so far and we're also having many more interesting produc In the pipe line,


Okay And what are the everyday tasks for you as a co ordinator? So what do you do?


I would say so, mainly it's to run our ideas past the like that we collect from our members and the working groups by the editorial office, and for that we have like regular meetings where we update each other on activities on like both sides, and were brain storming new ideas as well as elevating previous ideas. It's really like Accompanying these whole like process from ideas to events or publications or specific programs.


Very interesting. I think it's so important to have such a such a central organ organization to together all things going on around, emionology and monologist,




So how did the idea of




wife come?


Well, Maybe I can start on this one. I, actually, I surprise myself today because I was taking the emails to trying to find out where this really started And what I had in mind is that when Anna and I are together with other members started this new board of the young eminologist. In the five we were organizing the task, I thought that I didn't have that much to do, And then,




because I want to get involved in the social media, there was not that many events to organize on at a time. I thought that thinking how to improve this group, this idea came up, but actually know, because for the application for the Young Ice in the year, I already wrote that, and I cannot recall




why I already had this idea in mind, so I honestly don't know. I think in general we were in the right time, right, I think, because I think someone else will have done it. I have, because there were already some movements between the year man, young Munagistan, Austrian, right on the Italian, so I think it was just there. Someone just had to do it and we were right in the right moment in the right position to do it and it just happened. so I think the idea was in the air for sure, but yeah, I really don't know. I cannot remember my memory so but so yeah, luckily guess we had this idea.


You're very nice so so can you just sum up? What are the main goals? What are your main goals?


Maybe a Rami can




answer to this




one better.


I mean, I think we share the same goal also with Santi, So why is this network for early career researchers That we aim to console date early care resears all over Europe, but now also with outside Europe. I think it's mostly to represent them to tackle their concern, but also to high light their work and something. I'm really excited about this equity and diversity working group that we recently launched in my efface, and they are doing awesome job and high lighting Minorities around Europe. also like in early care researchers or women under represented in science, And we are launching these activities to help like, Bring the gap back to to say say normal. So basically to represent this why these early career researchers, and also to promote their work by their own science, but also on on other other levels, Also,


Yeah, I think it's so much needed to support minorities, and also give the possibility to everyone that if they want to become a researcher that they can become a researcher. So how do you support young scientist? Now, you also mentioned that you also support scientist out of Europe. But what are the general support measures?


So yes, so it will on different levels, For example, why we have the communication working group that always ask whether to share any news from C R around around Europe. So if there's someone who at published or would like to do an interview, they can reach out to why, Fs, and then we will post this in our monthly news letter or our social media. And plus, we recently also launched Why S rising star list of researchers, So we can everyone I nominate a rising star in their network, And then also we will get in touch with them high light them over social media communication, and whatever, So this is on mostly communication side, but also we share career development webinars, also to give them advice on how to to different career passway not only in academia, right, because all of this are divert. divert passway of success. so we give them these tips on how to succeed Outside Cadine, would say, not necessarily in Acadinia. We also did. we do also conferences. Also, like we had the white first cimposium last year, and this was a very nice meeting for more than two hundred members from our members for a low cost, so everyone was able to join us in Berlin. We had the meeting in Berlin, and we were very excited to meet our network for the first time. so also promoting this, You are on the science level because they were had the opportunity to prevent their work, but also to to publish their abstract with J. This is what I was mentioning. This ongoing collaboration with J. M. plus, I would say, Through this network and Cant and the other member what they have created, we are now more in touch with efforts, which is the national society like the big national society, And now I think our votes are more heard on the international level. For example, we have now a task force between first and why, effi on equity and diversity, and we are together writing a grant on how to address the diversity in Europe. So the things are moving forward. I thinks better for science better for C. R and for everyone.


Yes, it sounds that you. You really have a great aim and a great purpose, especially to the direction of diversity on, and also to support young scientist with carrier talks. I'm sure that Santy can have the lot with his Viontech career. He can also explain how his work is going. So you just mentioned the couple of working groups, But is there anything any other interest




groups that are represented on? Do you interact with those groups? Because I believe that with the interest groups, for example, young female




scientists are not even scientists.




Who who are out of Europe. How how can you get in contact with them? And how do you interact and work together?


Yes. so the task force is basically these work, different working groups plus something. as Santy mentioned, We have also a presentation from each young national society in the task force. So from, we are now collaborating with four team young national society from all over Europe, plus what you mentioned, the interest group. So the interest groups are more science focused working group That we have like different ones like cancer, G, o, o, immunity, eminometabolism, and others. So the aim of these is to connect car on science purposes. What we are what we tried previously to do is it was very independent like each interest group can do whatever they want. Some of them were meeting. Mostly they prepare some webinor, I think the cancerenology interest group they were able to meet virtually, Of course, and then they drafted together a review so because they felt they had Shared interest. But what I can talk more about the Otoomunity interest group Through this interest group, we're able to connect with other young societies like Immunet, which the Remethology, Young society, and we are planning with them joint webinr, So we will have a series of webinor, I think once every two months, where one of their network and one from our office where prevent their work and then also get high. I will go back to the social media level. And so it's very independent. this interestin group. Every interestin group is managed a bit differently, And so I think this is the next step for why, effort to improve these interestin group more and more and connect them with other national societies?


Yeah, very interesting, and we will also put everything into the show note, so that our listeners can also follow up the seminars and and get no more about it. So you just mentioned other national association. So what is your connection with the d g f. I, the German Association of emunology, How do you work together?


Yeah, I think we have two past members, so they will know more. but I would say personally and I joined. Why I joined I Firs, as coordinator of the J. I working group just before, and I was just amazed by how organized is young Dgfiitwas. I would mention Ellen. Of course, she's not with us today, Santi. and and like before passing the talk for them like we meet every three, two to three months with all the local represent Ation, and one of them is the young Dgfirepresentate representative. We have one or two members each time, and then we discuss what they are doing on their side and what they can bring for why forts, but also what I forts can bring for them And I think what we? what? Usually what we do what everyone do when Why young D G. F. I talk about their activities. We try to steal them. So because




you guys are always innovative.


Interesting. So Anna and Santa, were you are both a member of the of the D g F. I. right,






I've also still a member of the g. f. I. and yeah, I guess as a Sandy said, it was like a good timing. Also




like the right people met, sort of like in the right time, and I think there was a big, like, also motivation to get this started because it was also the beingginning of Covid, and everyone felt very disconnected in general. Like traveling to conferences was not possible. Networking. And yeah, we wanted to. I don't know. Just like It's something where people can stay in touch and like ye get involved in things, despite not being physically able to go to places.


Yes, I think




a network is is so powerful and especially in times when you cannot interact so easily, like during lock down and so on it's It's so great




to have a platform where you can still exchange and talk with people with the same interest. So who are




mainly your members and who is your target group in Wioffice? And you can




also say your sante, So


Yeah, then maybe I can


Yeah, maybe


go for it. So our target is Ram. Mention the early career monologist, but that's our rather broad definition. Act actually tes, not even the finitions our network. We we define this early career monologist as some one who has less than ten years of working experience, And so with this definition you can remind that our main Et will be Pchdes, and post stocks may be anti, Your professor, but of course it also in gulfs or like, is open for other types of workers. let's say, for example, people who take maternity leave or paternity life. they are also welcome to this network because we are counting working years, or




people who didn't do a p. D, follow the tpcalcareer pass in caremiaandthe, a master working




in A in a company. They are still interested in Net working, Because that's the main focus right of young life is to network with your peers. And so yeah,








our main target Will be Pchtsmpostdogs. let's say ninety something percent. right. Maybe now we change some the numbers, but that will be roughly the same, but is open for other types of workers or scientists in general, So yeah,


I see


that was


That was


our main target. Sorry.


A good. Um, So your main priorities as I understood, are also diversity and carry our development. How P D student can become a post dog or a junior group leader, and how, for example, how to combine parenting with with science, and in order




to support diversity in the academic research and in emionology, But what are your measures on those topics? So in general natural sign Season, academic research is very hireical. Do you think it is fine as it is, or do we need better protection for minorities and in general for early carrier scientist? What is your opinion on that?


Yeah, I think, as you nicely mentioned, I think things are getting going to change, but we need more effort. Of course, I think more senior societies are now understanding these needs and I think that things are moving, but of course, not yet on the level we need, especially on the diversity minority. So in Europe, we don't have yet good definition of Are the minorities like in the Us. or who are the minority? who are who are the under represented So I think, but, but things are moving optimistic that we will get there. But for this we need all the young national societies, all the young international societies also to get involved in these actions. And that's why I think. what? Why is bringing this connection between all these national societies, Plus now connecting why, Firs, two other international societies like I mentioned minute earlier for the ram Th ology, But also we have a lot of interactions with three other societies, Like K for Alergy, They have also young group C, junior for Imino deficiency, and also H. A for hemathology, All these societies have young groups And now why is connecting to these groups and I think together we can make our voices more heard in terms of these demands, because of course one society could not To do this on the European level. Now on each society level. Now what we can do it? That some societies has already implemented some activities toward these acts. Like I can mention, H. A. that are now doing in their conference. They have child care for women like, for example, they can go there and so we can take this idea and implemented in everything, Like why, efforts or efforts conferences, But For example, I would mention the Italian case, Italian National Young Society, where they already set up mentorship scheme between their young and the senior society. And then this is something that could be also implemented on international level on the European level, pushing mentorship also more and more so that our car can know earlier what career path they can follow.


I think one of the key point that Ram mentioned before is also the connection that we have in Young Effie, with what we call senior society. There is the other European Federation of Femunology, Because it's of course, it's important to have the young munologies to be aware of this issue, but if they don't go upwards through the whole, let's say structure does matter if you talk about university or institution like in this one or whatever. I think it's real important. Is connection in your fice On this Connections that we have in the different groups of is. I think it helps a lot to have both opinions, like someone who is more experience that have a many years in the university or in a company together with the young people who might bring new ideas, or maybe new vision. I think this connection, or at least this is the feeling I have in you faces closer than




other times. Or at least this is what we promote and I think that's really important.


And maybe I can briefly add that, I think also, what is a very important point about why Effi is like to like? Lower these barriers that some people feel, especially may be people who are first generation scientists or academics. also like to provide a lot of insights of all this like behind the scenes or in formal knowledge that is very important in academic institutions. And Yeah, to really try to be a Inclusive as possible, and also try to inform people




what it means to get a Ph D, and what you can do afterwards or what you may be not, can do with it, and like just to provide also like really good information. Because obviously being a scientist has changed Now there are like you know, also different challenges. We have to communicate better and more with the general to lage on social media. It's like very different to maybe when, like most of the current P star At their own episode. I think it's important to bring this like new perspective




in there. and also I don't know. Just like M. Yeah, vocalize what is important to many people in our age, like maybe starting a family and having a decent salary, and maybe also like some kind of job security. I think these kind of things are really




important to. Yeah, basically stress all the time and to as many people as possible, And then maybe Sometimes it will get better or it will be improved.




Yeah, it's so true and so well said, And to have a network where you can just simply talk about it. What are our needs? What? what are? What are our challenges In today's scientific carrier is really a great value and the purpose to work for it. So thank you very much for for taking this this task




for yourself. Nd. I just really want to join now to the wife, So how can I become a member? Ow, can I follow your




your work and your your actions


So our communication working group is very active, so we have different ways to connect with Why? But the first thing to do is to go to w. w. Dot. Why is Dot Org? And then you go on doing this right now, so I don't do anything wrong. Then you go to the section, Join now and join the Ifs network. And then you can register there by putting your email and and some info, and then you will automat, Ally, be in our data bay, so that the advantage that you receive our mostly news letter and is in this mostly news letter we promote as I mentioned, but also we advertised for job for job adds, and also for any conferences or any news you would like to share. Plus, also you can join any of our working group. So or if like, we have so far the communication, the g. r, we talked about the equity diversity, we have the. Suppose your working group, we have the carry, development and education. But if you think or if you have any new idea we are, we will be so happy also to create the new working group, and you will be the coordinator also to manage the tasks and recruit more people through this working group. And yeah, so we are open for any new idea and for any new perspective on. so we are always very happy to hear your comments








feed backs.


So as a first first step, we just go on your website that we also put into show notes and click on Join, and then all the rest is just coming automatically. I really like this easy, easy processes. What is your best piece of advice for young students who are thinking about studying ology and becoming a science One day. should they go for it or should they better leave it?


I think we are biased here,




or even a gust.




in a way.


Yeah, maybe I can start.




I think the most important thing for everyone is to find out what they really want and what motivate them. And if they are passionate about science, I would say, go for it and give an eye. There is a quite strict system, but you shouldn't be. You know, afraid, or hold back by these credentials that maybe other people have and you don't have, or people tell you you should have, or whatever. Like every career pass is different. It's unique and there are very many different successful careers available




for trained immunologist, So I think yeah, do whatever you think like brings you joy and fun And this is the most important thing. I guess at the end of the day,


Yeah, as said in the beginning, like




now, everything is changing a lot. So




even if you talk with someone who reading in the university and you don't quite like what you here or what you see, Maybe yes, research a bit more, because now everything is changing and you might find your spot somewhere for me. The best advice that I will give is that that you want to that you want to really do science. And also an I mentioned, not just to be a scientist, because sometimes yeh might people think that, Or let's say scientists have some prestige right in the society. If you say, Oh, I'm a scientist, or even now after corona. I mean, I munorogist, o, O. but




I think it's really important that you really enjoy doing science. Like the curiosity, This discovery thrill right that we all got in the lap. If that, if you want to be a scientist on the bench that, I think it's who we important to have like that. You really want to discover things and push science forward, And that will be kind of one of the piece of vice that I will give


Yeah, I think I agree with Satan and they said it all. I would just add one thing that. Go talk to people like, Go ask people as scientists. what are their daily work? Ask multiple ones. Go get mentors, identify in your university and your department in your, and just talk to people. I think the networking will help a lot And deciding the right path for you.


Yeah, exactly. I think it's such a great advice that if you want to become an amunologist, and if you are curiosity driven and interested in making science and making great research, then go for it, and it doesn't matter where you are coming from. Who are your parents? Um, what you study before or how are who are you? If you are interested in science and go for it and all the surroundings were just come, and you will get the support from the network what you need And I think it's very inspiring. Thank you




very much for this great introduction into Why Fice. We will put all the details into the show, Note where people can reach you and find you and follow you, and thank you very much for your work. Have a great day.


Thank you, you two.


thank you.




Thank you very much.